IPSO Budapest 2017


created by Tihamér Bakó

NEW! PICTURES ABOUT THE COLLOQUIUM: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1T9IwT8uXlwOVVsTnRUQUVEcUU?usp=...

Contact:  ipsobudapest@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1741401292787759/

Program: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1102o8-NU9UDh5dWdRVjBOcm8/view

Colloquium Venue: Eötvös Loránd University - 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23–27.


- A rendezvény az MPE tagjai, kandidátusai és képzéseinek jelenlegi vagy korábbi résztvevői számára nyitott. - 


Tímea Kardos's couch


IPSO Colloquium in Budapest, Hungary
June 30 - July 2, 2017
Our Heritage: Past, Present and Future

Contact:  ipsobudapest@gmail.com

The inspiration to organise a professional meeting like this came from the Viennese IPSO Colloquium (in July 2016) where we had a great time. We were enthusiastic about having the opportunity to talk freely about professional issues, meet colleagues and “refresh” a little bit in a professional environment. It was great to realise that we deal with similar problems, think alike about professional issues. We found out however that many things apparent for us Hungarians are not by all means so manifest to colleagues with different background and history.

There are customs handed down from our own training analysis and supervision (how we finish the sessions, how we welcome/show out our patients, how long summer break we take, etc.) These are partly unconsciously performed habits – we can’t notice them any more but still they have an impact on how we work.

We wish to examine thoroughly such customs “inherited” from the Budapest School.
Training analysts of our Society will present plenary lectures on how the heritages of the Budapest School live on in our present clinical work and how they effect psychoanalytic theories and methods.

In workshop groups we will talk about everyday clinical “heritages” trying to define whether there really are any Hungarian specialities. We will have the opportunity to compare our work styles.

In group supervisions we wish to continue working with our main issue so we welcome cases where ‘heritage’ emerges in any way.

During the final interactive plenary session we will try to find answers together to the interesting question: how the past’s heritage affects our present and how it has an impact on our future.
A dinner party will close the conference so that we can talk and dance together. On Sunday on an optional guided tour we will show you around the city visiting the historical places of the Budapest School.

We are looking forward to getting closer to different kinds of heritages, customs, cultures. Let’s share the experience, we are waiting for you in Budapest, please note the date!

Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1741401292787759/


History of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis in a Nutshell

written by Dóra Lőrik

“Budapest is well on its way to becoming the center of our movement” – wrote Freud in a letter to Karl Abraham in 1918, only ten years after the first Freud-Ferenczi meeting.
Ferenczi strongly influenced the practice of psychoanalytic treatments. He considered analysis as the process of the development of a relationship in the analytical situation – a mutual, interactive relationship between analysand and analyst. Under his influence psychoanalysis changed from a scientific model to the experience of an intellectual and affective process.

What were Ferenczi’s most important inventions thatbecame the core values of the Budapest School and have an influence on modern psychoanalytic thinking?
He valued openness and honesty in the therapeutic relationship above all. He never lost his enthusiasm for experimentation and was always ready to admit his failures and learn from them. He drew attention to the preoedipal period and the mother-infant dyad and emphasised the importance of the recognition of sexual abuse and trauma in infancy. He suggested a deeper exploration of regressive states. He insisted that the analyst’s feelings, intentions, reactions and experiences must be brought to light – he aknowledged the work with countertransference as important means of empathy.

Ferenczi’s impact did not stay within the frame of the psychoanalytic movement. Budapest was a receptive city open to new findings and Ferenczi as a catalyst for the development of psychoanalysis – beside his analytic work he taught and had public talks on the topic – made the movement embraced by modernist intellectuals from many fields.

The 5th International Psychoanalytical Congress took place in Budapest in 1918 and Ferenczi was elected president of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) but could only undertake this responsibility for a short period. Due to the political climate in Hungary after World War I many intellectuals, including a number of psychoanalysts, decided to emigrate or definitely had to flee. They left the country in two waves between the two World Wars. Their emigration was a great loss for the Hungarian movement but at the same time it had an undeniably important impact on the worldwide development of psychoanalytic thinking. Many Hungarian psychoanalysts found their new scientific homes in different parts of the world influencing considerably the thinking of colleagues in Berlin, London, New York, Chicago etc.

Meanwhile in Hungary during the Stalinist era psychoanalysis was considered as a “bourgeois ideology“. The Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society disbanded and the movement went underground from 1948 to the 1970’s – and then started to rebuild itself.

Hungarian psychoanalysis with its brilliant, influential legacy and tragic history is nowadays making promising progress to find its new place in the international psychoanalytic scene. As part of this work the candidates of the Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society warmly invite you to debate the impacts of the Budapest School all psychoanalysts experience during their present work, to find inspiring new ways of thinking and to make progress in the international integration process together. [1]

[1]References: Haynal, A.: On Psychoanalysis in Budapest. Loewenberg, Peter, Thompson, Nellie L. (eds): 100 Years of the IPA. The Centenary History of the International Psychoanalytical Association 1910-2010. Evolution and Change. London, Karnac, pp. 95-106, 2011
Lichtenberg, J.: Introduction. In.: On the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis. The Origin of a Two-person Psychology and Empathic Perspective. Arnold WM Rachman ed., Routledge, New York, 2016
Mészáros, J.: Sándor Ferenczi and the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis. Presentation on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Ferenczi Center at the New School for Social Research, New York, January 12, 2009



IPSO kollokvium Budapesten
2017 június 30. - július 02.
Örökségeink: múlt, jelen és jövő  (Our Heritage: Past, Present and Future)

Kapcsolat: ipsobudapest@gmail.com

2017-ben egyesületünk kandidátusai nemzetközi IPSO (International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization) kollokviumot szerveznek, melynek témája az “Örökségeink: múlt, jelen és jövő” lesz. A rendezvényre számos európai, sőt európán túli országból is várunk kandidátusokat illetve pszichoanalitikusokat, és nagyon számítunk a Ti, a magyar kollégák részvételére is! A kollokvium célja nemcsak saját örökségünk (a budapesti iskola örökségének) bemutatása, de az is, hogy együtt gondolkozzunk a jelenünkön és jövőnkön. Mit jelentett régen pszichoanali-tikusnak lenni, és mit fog jelenteni a jövőben.

A budapesti kollokvium ötlete az egy évvel korábban Bécsben megrendezett kollokvium alatt született, és témáját is a közös beszélgetések alakították. A szupervíziós csoportokban és kötetlen beszélgetésekben jó volt érezni, hogy milyen sok mindenben hasonlóan gondolkodunk, illetve hasonló problémával küzdünk. De az is kiderült, hogy sok mindent, ami számunkra evidens, máshol mások másként csinálnak. Ezek a mindennapi “szokások”, melyeket legtöbbször saját analízisünkből veszünk át, öröklünk – mint például, hogy miként jelezzük az óra végét, miként fogadjuk/kísérjük ki a pácienst, miként zárjuk le az ülést, hogyan bánunk a pénzzel, tartunk nyári szünetet, stb... – ugyanakkor a mindennapi pszichoanalitikus munka szerves részévé válnak. A megszokás miatt sokszor már észrevenni sem könnyű, míg sokszor fontos, szimbolikus jelentőséget kapnak a terápiában.

A kollokviumunk témája így az örökség lesz. Első részében plenáris előadások keretében bemutatjuk azt, hogy a budapesti iskola öröksége miként él ma a klinikai munkánkban és miként hatott a pszichoanalitikus elméletek alakulására. Majd a kiscsoportos – műhely – munkák során a mindennapi szokásokról beszélgetünk és hasonlítjuk össze örökségeinket, azt ahogy a különböző országokból jövő kandidátusok/analitikusok dolgoznak.

A szupervíziós csoportokba is olyan eseteket várunk, ahol az öröklött, jól megszokott “aprósá-goknak” jelentősége/jelentése lett.

A közös, interaktív összegzésben arra keressük majd közösen a választ, hogy a múlt örökségei miként hatnak a jelenre, és hogyan határozzák meg jövőnket.

Szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt!

A szervezők:
Droppa Szilvia
Forgách Anna
Linzenbold Ildikó
Lőrik Dóra
Rózsa Ildikó
Zana Katalin

A program és a regisztrációval kapcsolatos tudnivalók hamarosan elérhetővé válnak a honlapon, ill. a facebook oldalunkon is tájékozódhattok a részletekről: https://www.facebook.com/events/1741401292787759







  Colloquium Venue / Helyszín

Eötvös Loránd University - Faculty of Education and Psychology /
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem - PPK Pszichológiai Intézet

1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23–27.






 Budapest map with colloquium venues



 Visiting the Ferenczi House and psychoanalytic sightseeing program
